

英国の内閣再編 (cabinet resuffle)

英国政府の内閣 (cabinet) 。この写真は女王を迎える特別の機会のときのものですが、普段からこのようにダウニング・ストリート10番地のテーブルを囲んで行われます。



Carl McQueen@MrCarlMcQueen

My timeline’s full of political journos discussing #reshuffle instead of football ones talking about #WorldCup – can we all go back a month?

2014年7月15日、朝、BBC Newsトップページを見てびっくりした。





BBC News – William Hague quits as foreign secretary in cabinet reshuffle bbc.com/news/uk-politi… えーーーっ。後任、フィリップ・ハモンドって……

Glen Oglaza@glenoglaza1

William Hague – a loss. Phil Hammond ??



Laura Rozen@lrozen

The departure of Hague stunned Westminster where been assumed he would remain as foreign secretary until election theguardian.com/politics/2014/…

Sadegh Ghorbani@GhorbaniSadegh

@WilliamJHague More aggressive diplomacy?! Sky source: Philip Hammond to replace william Hague as Foreign Secretary in government reshuffle.

保守党(とLDの連立)政権は決して安泰ではない上に、金持ち(というかシティ)優遇の福祉切り詰め政策は「外国人投資家」ウケはよいかもしれないが一般の国民にはウケてない。今まではそういう場合は「労働党が伸してくるので、労働党支持に傾きそうな有権者のハートをゲットする」ために「強硬な保守」と対比させるような形で「(潜在的労働党支持層にも魅力的に見える)党内のリベラル」が重視された。デイヴィッド・キャメロン自身、労働党が労組などに限らず、いわゆる「ミドル・イングランド」の間でも広範な支持を集めていた時期に保守党の党首となったときは、(その前のIDSやハワードのような「ゴリゴリの保守」ではなく)「エコや人権に関心のあるリベラルな保守政治家」のイメージを強く打ち出していた。実際、車ではなく自転車で移動し(首相になってからはやってないと思うが、首相になってからも普通に地下鉄で移動してたりする)、北アイルランド紛争での英軍の行為については心からの謝罪をし(1972年デリーのブラディ・サンデー事件について)、ガザについて「青空収容所 open air prison camp」との見解をはっきり示し、欧州との関係も「うまくやっていきましょう」というスタンスだった。イラク戦争の時期の労働党よりむしろ「左」だと言われたほどだ。(それもこれも、2012年ごろにはずいぶん「おとなしく」なっていたが。)


Owen Jones@OwenJones84

William Hague was once a standard-bearer of the Tory Right. These days, he looks like a Tory moderate without having changed his politics


ウィリアム・ヘイグ (William Hague) は、1961年生まれで現在53歳。(日本の感覚でいう)高校1年のときに保守党の党大会で演説を行ない、ベテランの政治家たちに感心され絶賛されたというほどの弁舌の持ち主。1997年総選挙で、労働党(トニー・ブレア)に大敗を喫した保守党が、選挙に負けたジョン・メイジャー元首相のあとを受ける党首に選んだのが、当時36歳のヘイグだった(ブレアが40代前半で、「若さ」をアピールしていたという背景も大きい)。




Sunny Hundal@sunny_hundal

William Hague is stepping down?!! That would be a genuine loss

Sunny Hundal@sunny_hundal

William Hague stepping down as Foreign Secretary. I’m sad to see him go – one of the few sane voices in govt on foreign policy

Dimi Reider@dimireider

One is not pleased. fb.me/6n1QiFAln


OMG, I go out for an evening and Cameron sacks William Hague. Should have been Teresa May. (No he didn’t go of his own accord).
1979年のイラン革命が学生運動だったときのことを当事者として知っている元ジャーナリストの在英イラン人女性(イランがイスラム化したあとに国外に出た)。Cameron sacks Hagueと書いたうえで「ヘイグは自分の意思で去ったのではない」と。


BBC Breaking News@BBCBreaking

William Hague has stood down as UK Foreign Secretary bbc.in/U9WKmF pic.twitter.com/rN04dxbVNt

Iain Dale@IainDale

I’m now hearing William Hague will not just step down as Foreign Secretary but will also announce he’s standing down from Parliament.


William Hague@WilliamJHague

I will not stand as an MP in the May 2015 General Election, after 26 years as an MP


William Hague@WilliamJHague

Role as Leader of the House means I will finish in politics as I began – speaking in Parliament and campaigning among the voters

William Hague@WilliamJHague

Renewal in politics is good, and holding office is not an end in itself. After 26 years as an MP time will be right for me to move on

William Hague@WilliamJHague

From May 2015, after such a long period in politics I want to embark on many other things I have always wanted to do

William Hague@WilliamJHague

I’m proud we now have a restored @foreignoffice, revived alliances, a new course in Europe, and stronger UK leadership on #humanrights

William Hague@WilliamJHague

I will take forward the UK campaign to end sexual violence in conflict as the PM’s Special Representative

Telegraph News@TelegraphNews

Full story: William Hague stands down as Foreign Secretary fw.to/IUO04jO

William Hague has stood down as David Cameron mounts a “cull of the middle-aged white men” in his biggest reshuffle since becoming Prime Minister.

Mr Cameron fired the starting gun for the general election by sacking or moving at least six Cabinet members to make way for a series of young women, who will be promoted on Tuesday.
Reshuffle: William Hague quits as a dozen ministers axed – Telegraph

ってどの口で言うー (´・o・`)

Sara Firth@SaraFirth_RT

Haha! RT @neilrfoster: ‘Cull of the middle aged white men’. William Hague to be replaced as Foreign Secretary by black woman Philip Hammond.

Éoin Clarke@DrEoinCl

William Hague, Nick Hurd, Domnic Grieve, Ken Clarke, Greg Barker & any1 else remotely to the left of Nigel Farage has been sacked by Cameron


National Collective@WeAreNational

Interesting that William Hague is stepping down as an MP at this point in his career, is it not?

Mehdi Hasan@mehdirhasan

“Reshuffle Surprise As William Hague Quits As Foreign Secretary” m.huffpost.com/uk/entry/55857…

Channel 4 News@Channel4News

Foreign Secretary @WilliamJHague quits saying ‘renewal in politics is good’ bit.ly/1oVW3sh #reshuffle #GE2015

ITV News@itvnews

MPs pay tribute to ‘extraordinary’ William Hague as he steps down as Foreign Sec before leaving politics next year itv.co/1rfQmGt


British Foreign Secretary William Hague announces he is stepping down and will not stand for election as a MP | aje.me/1n3IPLH
British Foreign Secretary William Hague leaving post as part of government shakeup apne.ws/1n3J2yt

Herald Editor@Herald_Editor

Full report on William Hague’s shock decision to quit as Foreign Secretary – tomorrow’s Herald front page #scotpapers pic.twitter.com/sXz2vLX7t8
でも厳密にhe decided to quitじゃないよね。何があったんだろうな……


Top British diplomat William Hague to leave position dlvr.it/6KdxFx

Koert Debeuf@koertdebeuf

One of the few caring about Syria. MT“@AP: British Foreign Secretary William Hague leaving post apne.ws/1n3J2yt” @WilliamJHague

The Daily Record@Daily_Record

William Hague quits as Foreign Secretary as Cabinet reshuffle starts ahead of next year’s general election bit.ly/1oZfChG



Tweeting this again.
Read this, about William Hague’s investigation into N Wales child abuse in the 90s. telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/cr…


timing William Hague stifled 1996 paedophile report, says ‘victim’ – Telegraph fb.me/1lNDMl88y #bbcnews #skynews @UKLabour @Jamin2g 


RAB FLORENCE@robertflorence

#robertflorencepoems As William Hague departs, I present “The Politician’s Verse”. pic.twitter.com/S5f6SOsT6l


William Hague@WilliamJHague

I will join @JohnKerry and other Foreign Ministers in Vienna this weekend to review progress of #Iran negotiations #IranTalksVienna

William Hague@WilliamJHague

Today I join the people of Bosnia & Herzegovina as they honour the memory of those brutally killed in act of genocide in #Srebrenica in 1995

William Hague@WilliamJHague

I have met mothers and widows in #Srebrenica – their suffering and their quest for justice continues. We must #NeverForgetSrebrenica

William Hague@WilliamJHague

Extremely concerned about humanitarian situation and loss of life in Gaza. Speaking to President Abbas today

Negar Mortazavi نگار@NegarMortazavi

UK Foreign Minister William Hague tweeted about “humanitarian situation and loss of life” in #Gaza. pic.twitter.com/sskD3284yC
(inという前置詞を使ってin Gazaと述べたことが、英外相としての限界だと思う。)

Tom Rayner@RaynerSkyNews

Foreign Secretary William Hague calls for urgent international action in Gaza

Read: tl.gd/n_1s2f6ff

William Hague@WilliamJHague

Have spoken to President Abbas and FM Lieberman: urgent need for a ceasefire in Gaza to end civilian casualties and stop the escalation

samira sawlani@samirasawlani

The UN, William Hague blah blah releasing statements on Gaza- condemning actions. Where are the sanctions? Where is the crackdown? Right.


Israel-Gaza conflict: William Hague calls for ceasefire but says Israel ‘has the right to defend itself’ ind.pn/1jmFh6a

Strength and Honor@Avitusparta

Palestinians have a right to resist the occupation fw.to/yPxrDgi>> William Hague says Israel has the ‘right to defend itself’>

ITV News@itvnews

Britain ‘on standby’ to help end Gaza crisis, says William Hague itv.co/1mKbgMV pic.twitter.com/TzaHit2UCK

William Hague@WilliamJHague

Arrived in Vienna for #Iran negotiations. Talks at a critical stage. Significant gaps remain between the two sides pic.twitter.com/UAExgxmm4e

William Hague@WilliamJHague

Vital UNSC vote tomorrow to enable UN aid delivery across #Syria borders, without regime permission, to reach 1 million+ people in need

William Hague@WilliamJHague

Met @JZarif at #Irantalksvienna. Urged realism and bold choices on nuclear. Discussed Iraq and plan for UK Embassy in #Iran

William Hague@WilliamJHague

No breakthrough in #Iran nuclear talks. Diplomats will stay in Vienna and use week before July 20 deadline to seek progress

William Hague@WilliamJHague

I will make a Statement to Parliament today on UK response to the crisis in #Gaza and the need for an agreed ceasefire

Tom Rollins@TomWRollins

William Hague addressing the House of Commons now on situation in Gaza. Watch live: parliamentlive.tv/Main/Player.as…

BBC Breaking News@BBCBreaking

UK Foreign Secretary William Hague tells House of Commons that 27 British nationals were evacuated from #Gaza last night

Sky News Newsdesk@SkyNewsBreak

Foreign Secretary William Hague says 27 Britons & their Palestinian dependants evacuated from #Gaza last night amid continuing violence

William Hague@WilliamJHague

Today I announced the next stage in UK campaign to end warzone rape and sexual violence ow.ly/z85ll #timetoact

William Hague@WilliamJHague

Tonight I am standing down as Foreign Secretary after 4 years to serve as Leader of the House of Commons


William Hague’s political career in pictures telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/… 9枚目を見て、最後の方の最近の活動を見ると、政界引退後は支援団体の仕事をやっていきそうな気がする。13枚目に政治家時代のセブ・コーがいる。
ヘイグは、保守党の中では「違う」階層なんですよね。学校はパブリック・スクールではなく一般人の通う学校(コンプリヘンシヴ・スクール)。そこからオクスフォードに行って、Oxford Unionの会長に選ばれる。どんだけ優秀だったんだろう、と。


Iain Dale@IainDale

The sacking of @damiangreenmp leaves me incredulous. Just as @AlistairBurtMP‘s did in the last reshuffle. Competence clearly doesn’t matter.

Iain Dale@IainDale

Jesus. Now Dominic Grieve has gone too. Madness. Hague next.

Iain Dale@IainDale

Here were my 20 reshuffle predictions from this morning. See how I’m doing… iaindale.com/posts/2014/07/…

amol rajan@amolrajan

Props to @IainDale who as far as i can tell scooped the world on Hague. in fact he may have known before Hague. And the PM. Even God.


イアン・デイルの「予想」が twitter.com/IainDale/statu… おそろしいほど当たっていて(湾岸の「W杯予想ラクダ」のシャヒーンさんより的中率高いw)、インディペンデント編集長から事実上の「ネ申」呼ばわりされている。 twitter.com/amolrajan/stat…

Iain Dale@IainDale

By the way, on the Hague thing, I first floated his “retirement” in my @ConHome diary on 13 June. And repeated it on my blog this morning.

Mike Rouse@rouseuk

It’s almost like DC sacked one minister, then thought ‘I enjoyed that. Let’s do it again!’ as he unleashed years of pent up frustration

Iain Dale@IainDale

Cameron is such a fan of Harold Macmillan, but I wonder if he’s taking emulation too far. Is this the “Night of the Wrong Knives”?
the Night of Long Knives のもじり。

Lord Ashcroft@LordAshcroft


Lord Ashcroft@LordAshcroft

Hague has no ambition to lead the Tory Party again so what is left in Govt for him? His stage is now the world’s so don’t be surprised if…

Lord Ashcroft@LordAshcroft

Lansley out…..

Lord Ashcroft@LordAshcroft

Standing by to take over as Foreign Secretary…..

Lord Ashcroft@LordAshcroft

YouGov/Sun poll CON 35% LAB 38%
LDEM 8% UKIP 10%

Lord Ashcroft@LordAshcroft

Drat! Seems like Hammond will be Foreign Secretary…good man though….ok ok I’m up for Defence Secretary…sure General Richards approves

Lord Ashcroft@LordAshcroft

So if Iain Duncan Smith goes to defence then a good move would be for Javid to take his place…..

Lord Ashcroft@LordAshcroft

William Hague was a superb Foreign Secretary and one of the few current politicians who is a statesman of world order (WH pls retweet)

Lord Ashcroft@LordAshcroft

ICM/Guardian poll CON 34% LAB 33% LDEM 12% UKIP 9%

Lord Ashcroft@LordAshcroft

Iain Duncan Smith not going to defence so still standing by to be Defence Secretary…would be an inspired choice…lol

Lord Ashcroft@LordAshcroft

No call yet so to bed……


BBC Radio 4 Today@BBCr4today

Michael Gove “might be on the move” to a new cabinet position. Philip Hammond has taken job as foreign secretary – @bbcnickrobinson
ああいえばこういう系の教育大臣で、次の保守党党首有力候補の一人と取りざたされてもいたマイケル・ゴーヴがここで脱落。Chief Whipに転任と。


David Cameron@David_Cameron

Michael Gove is Commons Chief Whip. He’ll have an enhanced role in campaigning and doing broadcast media interviews. #Reshuffle.

Kevin Maguire@Kevin_Maguire

Michael Gove kicked out of Education to be Chief Whip is the political equivalent of a school expulsion. Stand down as an MP?

Jess Brammar@jessbrammar

Gove out, despite telling @BBCNewsnight last week that outstanding teachers supported him. Won’t be happy then, those outstanding teachers.

Martin Rowson@MartinRowson

Oh no! Gove becomes Chief Whip! Wanted him for Foreign Secretary, & we be at war with EVERYBODY within about 20 minutes…


Dimi Reider@dimireider

#Gove out almost sweetens the pill of Theresa May staying.So far reshuffles were to the worse, but Gove will be quite a challenge to surpass

Mehdi Hasan@mehdirhasan

I guess that’s Theresa May 1, Michael Gove 0. #reshuffle

Owen Jones@OwenJones84

Cheers, whoops and other outbursts of jubilation sweep the nation’s staff rooms as disastrous Michael Gove stripped of Education and demoted

Éoin Clarke@DrEoinCl

Michael Gove has just been demoted. Retweet if this is the best news you have read in months. #Reshuffle.

Mehdi Hasan@mehdirhasan

Teachers will be rejoicing as Michael Gove leaves the Department of Education. #reshuffle

Hugo Rifkind@hugorifkind

I’m going to take a wild shot in the dark and presume that the teaching unions won’t much like Gove’s replacement, either.

norman smith@BBCNormanS

No 10 say Nicky Morgan will continue with Gove reform agenda . #reshuffle


Gove leaves education – round-up of some of the best Twitter reaction – theguardian.com/politics/blog/… #reshuffle

Mehdi Hasan@mehdirhasan

It may “become very difficult for civilised people to vote Conservative” @OborneTweets on human rights & #reshuffle

Carl Gardner@carlgardner

According to @OborneTweets “The loss of Dominic Grieve is a disaster” blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/peterobor…

Nick Robinson@bbcnickrobinson

Gove – down but not out. A smaller job, lower pay & only “attending” Cabinet BUT No10 insists not a demotion. My blog bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politi…

Mehdi Hasan@mehdirhasan

The biggest story of this #reshuffle isn’t Hague’s retirement or Gove’s demotion or rise of the women.. but the astonishing survival of IDS


下のほうにforeign office minister (閣外大臣)のヒュー・ロバートソンの名前があります(out)。ロバートソンはMENA担当で(だからほんといろいろやってるのですが)、シリアのFSAに対する支援でかなり積極的に動いていた人ですね。

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