
絵本画家、イラストレーターである「トミー・ウンゲラー(アンゲラー)」(Tomi Ungerer)の海外出版されている絵本一覧。


The Mellops Go Flying (1957)
Mellops Go Diving for Treasure (1957)
Crictor (1958)
The Mellops Strike Oil (1958)
Adelaide (1959)
Christmas Eve at the Mellops (1960)
Emile (1960)
Rufus (1961)
The Three Robbers (1961)
Snail, Where Are You? (1962)
Mellops Go Spelunking (1963)
Flat Stanley (1964) — Jeff Brown著、イラスト
One, Two, Where’s My Shoe? (1964)
Beastly Boys and Ghastly Girls (1964) — William Cole編、イラスト
Oh, What Nonsense! (1966) — William Cole著、イラスト
Orlando, the Brave Vulture (1966)
What’s Good for a 4-Year-Old? (1967) — William Cole著、イラスト
Moon Man (Der Mondmann) (1966)
Zeralda’s Ogre (1967)
Ask Me a Question (1968)
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (1969) — Barbara Hazen著
Oh, How Silly! (1970) — William Cole著、イラスト
The Hat(1970)
I Am Papa Snap and These Are My Favorite No Such Stories (1971)
The Beast of Monsieur Racine (1971)
Oh, That’s Ridiculous! (1972) — William Cole著、イラスト
No Kiss for Mother (1973)
Heidi: The Classic Novel (1997) — ヨハンナ・スピリ著、イラスト
Tortoni Tremelo the Cursed Musician (1998)
Otto: Biography of a Teddy Bear (1999)